In the face of increasing human needs for development, food and water security, managing wetlands with limited resources becomes ever more challenging. Are you also…
- facing demands to implement wetlands polices with limited capacities?
- struggling with competing demands for the wetlands you manage and look for tool to better make your case in the decision-making process?
- interested in meeting like-minded practitioners and share your experince and know-how in a neutral space?
- keen to improve your understanding of wetlands management, the links between multi-sectoral interests and local livelihoods?
- willing to help build capacities and disseminate knowledge and best practices across relevant African institutions?
Then join our conversation!
- Register with our online community at The Water Network and start posting and discussing right away.
- Subscribe to our newletter and receive updates about activities and the African and international wetlands community.
- Contact the Wetlandsforum project office to introduce yourself is a neutral space for all wetlands scientists and managers seeking to improve the management of Africa’s wetlands.